Monday, September 14, 2009

Note to self. Dollar rally about to begin. Looks like if the inverse Dollar/Stocks continues USA stock market could suffer. Copper and many other commodities will also correct. Natural Gas could do OK with hurricane season here and heating season nearby. Overbought conditions on many stocks and the market as a whole. Bearish divergence appearing on many charts.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
A Look Back

Here is a look to the past. The chart to the left was copied and pasted today. The post was from April of 2008.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
RedDirts Weekly Update
This past week I've spent a little time compiling a list of stocks for the GreenTrade. Some of the best companies that I ran across had either been taken over by bigger companies like Boeing, or they are still in the VC stages of development. Anyway I've added several charts to my chart list of publicly traded companies that I feel could be take over candidates. The list begins with somewhat liquid ETF's for old farts like me.Another of my projects this week has been to evolve my GARP Scan for better timing. My original scan was developed after watching an interview with Sir John Marks Templeton. After the interview I said to myself, "Self, you can create a scan to find the companies Sir John would like." That's how the RedDirts' GARP Scan came about. My intent is to refine the scan so when it is ran, the time to buy is now, instead of floating in a pool of what appears to be dead money for weeks at a time. For instance ABB. Seems it took forever for it to breakout and finally advance. Anyway, I emailed William Dirlam of because he seems to know a few things about timing the markets. He was kind enough to attach a file on the subject in his return email. Now I feel there will be some improvement in my scan as soon as I can enter some new criteria. I'll have to develop, test, correct and re-correct but I'll get there.Now finally down to business. The $SPX monthly and weekly are in my NoTradeZone(NTZ). The daily is still bullish as are the 60 and 1 minute charts. So I'm still in the camp of short term trades due to the fact this is still a bear market(according to the long term charts). Check out the SP500 on Page 1 of RedDirtTrader Charts.I'm sure your still trying to digest the difference between oscillating indicators and trending indicators so for now I'm not going to leave you with something to study this week. Other than the markets reaction to the PERFECT STORM on Wednesday. We're at the crossroads here according to the charts.
RedDirts Weekly Update
This past week I've spent a little time compiling a list of stocks for the GreenTrade. Some of the best companies that I ran across had either been taken over by bigger companies like Boeing, or they are still in the VC stages of development. Anyway I've added several charts to my chart list of publicly traded companies that I feel could be take over candidates. The list begins with somewhat liquid ETF's for old farts like me.Another of my projects this week has been to evolve my GARP Scan for better timing. My original scan was developed after watching an interview with Sir John Marks Templeton. After the interview I said to myself, "Self, you can create a scan to find the companies Sir John would like." That's how the RedDirts' GARP Scan came about. My intent is to refine the scan so when it is ran, the time to buy is now, instead of floating in a pool of what appears to be dead money for weeks at a time. For instance ABB. Seems it took forever for it to breakout and finally advance. Anyway, I emailed William Dirlam of because he seems to know a few things about timing the markets. He was kind enough to attach a file on the subject in his return email. Now I feel there will be some improvement in my scan as soon as I can enter some new criteria. I'll have to develop, test, correct and re-correct but I'll get there.Now finally down to business. The $SPX monthly and weekly are in my NoTradeZone(NTZ). The daily is still bullish as are the 60 and 1 minute charts. So I'm still in the camp of short term trades due to the fact this is still a bear market(according to the long term charts). Check out the SP500 on Page 1 of RedDirtTrader Charts.I'm sure your still trying to digest the difference between oscillating indicators and trending indicators so for now I'm not going to leave you with something to study this week. Other than the markets reaction to the PERFECT STORM on Wednesday. We're at the crossroads here according to the charts.
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