Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This is my last post of the year! It's been a tough one on me. I'll still beat the S&P 500 for the 7th straight year but not nearly by as much of a percentage as in the past. (From July 2002-June 2007 my return was 58%/year). My positioning toward growth and tech stocks helped this year. I also was whipsawed, as most everyone was, a few times by the volatility in the market. Just remember as the volatility increases look to shorter time frame charts. But always keep an EYE on the Big Picture! Thanks to everyone that stopped by and viewed a few charts or left a comment. I'm sticking by my first post on this blog to continue to learn as much as possible about technical analysis and help you do the same. The Charts Do Not Lie! Just in case you haven't noticed I love to leverage my bets in the market. I encourage everyone else to do the same. But first you must concentrate on one market. I don't care if it's Wheat or Soybeans or OATS or the S&P. Just try to get really good at trading "1" market. I actually hate individual stocks. I'd rather trade a basket with some leverage. I sleep better that way. I'm still long this market and plan to stay that way until the S&P500 hits 2030.
No, the picture on this post isn't of me. That's my buddy Wayne of the FlamingLips. I snapped the picture from his OKC ZOO concert. He will perform live new year's eve in downtown OKC. My wife and our college student children will attend while I'm watching my Insight Bowl. I'm looking forward to next year and wish everyone the best. A special thanks goes out to Gary @ Between the Hedges & bxcapricorn from The Fine Art of Money for all the feedback. Keep up the good work guys.
See ya,
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