Monday, October 27, 2008

Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips says, ENOUGH AMERICA! The Bleeding must STOP NOW!
The RedDirtTrader as decided to run another GARP SCAN. I was thinking that at least 50 companies would show up on this scan but I was WRONG. Only 16 companies showed up! I'm not going to show you all those 16 stocks, instead I'm going to give you the names that showed up on my NEW garpscan. The number is only FOUR! Yes, that's right, only 4 stocks showed up on this traders RADAR.
Damn, how boring could this be. A medical company, hot wings, filtered water and a real estate related company! Now here's a WARNING. These are all SMALL companies with expected great sales. The problem lies in do they have the cash or financing to withstand a major downturn. U.S.A consumers have not only slowed spending, They've stopped spending on certain necessities. Health care for one, I've read many articles in the New York Times about people not going to their Doc's because they just don't have the money to cover the co-pay or the bill they receive from the HMO. The 4 companies listed above are suspect to say the least. Who the hell in their right mind would consider buying a real estate related company. Also with little expendable income, will anyone buy filtered water and chicken wings.
Now ol' RedDirt says if Petro keeps dropping, I could afford an apartment, get my yearly checkup and have enough left over for some chicken and water. Now that's what I call the American Dream!!! How's that for TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck with all your trades!
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