Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008
Moose Alert

Not one, may I repeat, NOT ONE decisionmoose follower, should have got a fill on a switch today!!! Why? you ask, read the rules. You'll find that you must get a fill at or below the close from the previous week to perform in line or above the Moosistory. It looks as though a bunch of new moose followers may have put in market orders when they should really place a limit order. So in short order this moosegroupy is still cash!
Now in case you haven't noticed ol' RedDirt hasn't been posting much lately. I've been too busy to do so. I exited a trade this past Friday in the SPY which I entered at $80.78 with a target of $90.00. I started to exit the trade on Wednesday @ $88 but decided there would be enough momentum to carry the close to $90 on the Friday after Thanksgiving. That decision made me about and extra $BUCK while my turkey was digesting. I exited the trade @ $89.48 then started watching some football. Bottom line=$1740 minus commish in less than one week. Now the mistake made was not to buy the SH and make another 7% on 200 shares in just one day on Monday. shoulda, coulda, woulda............
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