Sunday, March 1, 2009
Old RedDirt's still alive and Kickin'

I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. I can believe however the force of this downtrend. The convergence of the moving averages led to yet another sell off over the past month for the $SPX. NOW, it looks like the volume for the last week either shook out the last of the buy and holders, or the world is coming to an end. Things look like they are finally primed for some sort of rally. Short term.
Carl Swenlin from implied that the bottom will not be reached until late in 2010. RedDirt thinks he's probably right. Still yet, there will be some very good rallies between now and then and I think one of those is about to begin. Be patient, the candles have not yet confirmed this temporary bottom yet. We're looking for a hammer, morning star or bullish engulfing to tell when to get long this market!
The reason I've not posted for the last month is that I've spent the time marketing and selling my house, which we closed the deal on Friday. Also, I had to find a new JOB! My initial duties will be service sales, project management and apprentice training. I'm told I'll be wearing a few more hats besides those. But that's OK! RedDirt looks forward to the challenge.
The moving part sucked, but I'm now more organized than I've ever been. I had help on the fridge and armoire, but did the rest myself, with a lot of help from my wife!!!! During the transition I managed to make a few trades. I recently took a profit on SLV and I made some money in my currency account on a trade on the usd/jpy. Then this last Friday I opened a small position on GE.
My plan is to triple the equity from my house and build the home we want to retire in. The plan is to do this in 3 years. And, the house will be paid for the day we move in it.
Looks like I've got my work cut out for me.
I've been looking in on the MOOSE and BXcapricorn to see what they've been up to, but really haven't been able to follow too closely.
Thanks for stopping by, and good luck with your trades.
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Congrats on closing the deal on house and yes for new job. You are two steps ahead me.
Had been missing your posts..
Congrats on closing the deal on house and yes for new job. You are two steps ahead me.
Had been missing your posts..
Red Dirt
Congrates on the job, things sound like they are looking up for ya. Hey, I not a forex trader, but just out trolling web sites to learn what I can. BX and LC and the rest of the crew had a site to follow the PC tracker that was developed, if you do not have the site address, email and that will catch you up to past history. I wet to visit my mother in SW Florida so I was not able to keep up with the tracker. I am home playing catch up and looking for work as well. Good luck, if I can help let me know.
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Congrates on the job, things sound like they are looking up for ya. Hey, I not a forex trader, but just out trolling web sites to learn what I can. BX and LC and the rest of the crew had a site to follow the PC tracker that was developed, if you do not have the site address, email and that will catch you up to past history. I wet to visit my mother in SW Florida so I was not able to keep up with the tracker. I am home playing catch up and looking for work as well. Good luck, if I can help let me know.
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