Monday, March 30, 2009
RedDirt Bought some F

I placed 3 orders on Sunday to buy GLD, SPY and F. The only fill on the day was F. I looked at my 60 minute chart on Scottrade Elite and placed a buy limit@ $2.39. The trade was triggered and filled and at the end of the day I was up 15.48%. Amazing how the top of the trading band on my daily StockChart fell into line with where I saw support on my 60 minute chart on Scottrade. Damn, who would be so stupid to place a trade on a car company knowing all the bad news to be released on a trading day like today. Oh, WTF!!!! UP 15+%. Pat on the back for RedDirtTrader. Here's an update on my recent trades. Up 21.79% on BWEN, up 13.01% on DRYS, up 14.95% on GE and of course up 15.48% on F. I've got two open orders working: Buy SPY@$77.85 and GLD@$87.62. I'm not sure why the last sentence made links when I typed them in but, I'll post and follow the links to see what shows up.
Thanks for stopping by to see what RedDirt's doin'.
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