Sunday, October 25, 2009
Moose Switch Sticks For Another Week

I've been following the Moose for about 20 months now. The most recent switch to ILF was the first actual real Moose trade for RedDirt. Tuesday my order was filled below the switch price. However, I only invested half of my Moose allotted capital. With ILF up about 50% since July I'm cautious about deploying 100% at this time.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
How to use the Charts
Be sure to remove the check from the log scale when looking at weekly charts. You will find the log scale box in the chart attributes section just below the price chart. This is very important when drawing trend lines.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Moose Sticking With EPP

The Moose stays with EPP for another week. The call was made on July, 24 and since the close on that Friday, EPP is up 12.93%. I compared it to my Leveraged Moose Pick (EDC) on a PERFCHART from and found the leveraged pick hasn't faired that much better. I've set up a chartlist on Scottrade Elite using leveraged funds where I substitute a leverage ETF for the 8 Moose ETF's. I have not found a tradable leveraged fund for ILF yet. I'm only doing this to analyze whether or not I can out perform the MooseCalls. I will soon add a list of leveraged moose perfcharts to RedDirtTrader so all interested parties can compare the leveraged trade along with me. Thanks for stopping by to see what ol' RedDirt is doin'.
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