Thursday, December 31, 2009
Long TZA

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Don't Try this at Home!

I've created a stock list on the sidebar that is called "Moose on Roids". The list consist of leveraged ETF's and ETN's that attempt to double or triple the daily performance of the related index or traditional ETF.
I'm a big fan of William Dirlam and but sometimes I feel the need to Kick It Up a Notch.
Monday, December 21, 2009
GARP and Moose
Just a quick post. I ran my GARP(Growth at a Reasonable Price) Scans and here are the results. The first list (APEI,CGA,CHDX,CISG,DV,NVEC,HEAT,WMS) is my original scan developed from listening to an interview with Sir John Marks Templeton. The second list (DV,VIV) is from my revised scan after some information I received from Bill Dirlam. Speaking of the Moose, his newsletter this week revealed some very interesting info. Seems to me the new Moose Club will be worth the price of admission. I'll try to update the GarpStockCharts on the sidebar soon. The one that caught my interest is (HEAT). Anything to do with the HVAC industry normally does! Plate and Frame heat exchangers along with a cooling tower and a pump can provide what is known in the industry as Free Cooling! We all know its not free, you pay for the cost of running tower fans and pumps, but the chillers are turned off. Payback for the cost of the P&F, piping and valves needed, makes this addition to some buildings a cost effective way to reduce energy consumption.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Out of the $

Exited the UUP trade today! Looking to stay flat and enjoy the Holiday's! I know this is a LIE. Sure to make another trade or 2 before years end.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Moose say's,"I'll be back!"

I was very disappointed to see the MOOSE will be blacked out to the public for now. Seems the Grinch (better known as PROETF) felt he was the GURU of Whoville. This sucks! I'll continue to watch the Moose charts and try to figure out where Bill Dirlam may be suggesting to put money. The Moose Perfchart should help!
For now I've put my Moose Money in the UUP. This is the US dollar index etf. Over the past 2 weeks it seems to have found solid support at $22.02 with a double bottom at that exact price. High volume on a big up day this past Friday along with a buy signal on the StochRSI reinforced my buy decision. I'll probably swing trade the moose perfchart leader. For now that appears to still be the ILF but the GLD has been outperforming in the near term. GLD took a dump on Friday as the dollar rallied and if the dollar continues this rally all commodities and equities could be in for a fall.
Hopefully the Grinch's' dog Max will bite the boy's at ProEtf on the ARSE and those of us in Mooseville will have a Merry Christmas this year.
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