Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Moose on Roids Update

This is what I mean by the Moose on Roids! Since the day after my December 27 Post we've seen a nearly 12% gain vs. 4% gain.
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I don't have experience trading such low liquidity. Suppose when it's time to sell you set a limit and wait.
Moose on Roids is for illustrative purposes only. Of the 8 leveraged ETF’s only 4 is what I would consider tradable as of now. (BGU, DGP, EDC and TNA) DGP is the only 1 that is at least a year old. The BGU, EDC and TNA are all still in their infancy but do have good liquidity. As for the others, low volume and not even a year old, makes things a little tough. The brand new LBJ which has only been trading for about 1 month was the last leveraged ETF to appear. Up until just last week my Moose on Roids watch list still included the ILF. Thanks for your interest here and believe me, as popularity grows in the leveraged funds, liquidity will be there someday.
Thanks Chris.
Your Red Dirt Trader blog is very informative and shows that it's author has paid his dues in the ways of the markets. Thanks for sharing as I've alredy learned alot.
I do like the 2x and 3x etf's and am researching new ways (for my trading anyway) to use them.
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Your Red Dirt Trader blog is very informative and shows that it's author has paid his dues in the ways of the markets. Thanks for sharing as I've alredy learned alot.
I do like the 2x and 3x etf's and am researching new ways (for my trading anyway) to use them.
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