Monday, September 29, 2008
The Warning was There. Did you Listen?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Timing seems to Be Right!! RedDirtUpdate

Labels: growth stocks, sp500, stockcharts, technical analysis, trading desk, weekly update
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Take a Look
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another RedDirt GarpStocks Update

Enough of that political bullshit, back to what matters. Take a look at the most recent GarpScan. If you can't see the link please leave a message. This damn Mr.Softy Office 2007 has me pissed. I've had one hell of a time saving a spreadsheet has a web page and making it stick to my google pages. If anyone out there has a simple solution please pass it on to the old RedDirtTrader. I've added some links to the sidebar which shows the stocks from the last garpscan and the most recent garpscan. Whow! We can evaluate recent scans. Anyhow, I'm not saying GOOG is a buy just because it showed up on the SCAN. All that tells me is, we may be approaching some sort of a bottom. A couple of stocks that are catching my attention are IXYS and INWK. Why do I like them. 1)Price to sales below 1.5 2)Low debt to capital and 3)One is old school(INWK) and one is new(IXYS). Heathcare segment of the market has been working it's way upward in IBD. So PSYS and AFAM may have some moneyflow to push them higher. Time will tell. Anyway, finally no energy companies on the scan, so looks like their earnings downgrades are finally coming to fruition.
The CNBC fast money crew has been calling for a $VIX to hit 30 before a bottom is in. They may be right, but from what I've seen in the volume numbers the past few trading day's I doubt that will happen. Do we get a bounce here, or is this just the start of a REALLY BIG sell off. DON'T RISK ANYTHING BELOW LAST FRIDAY'S LOW!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping buy and check out all of reddirt's charts on the left sidebar.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
RedDirt's Weekly Update

Maybe we should take a look at the YIELD CURVE and observe the steepness of that curve to help deduce the amplitude of just what could be about to occur. Could a flattening be about to happen from the steep angle we currently see. Maybe it's a good time to look at John Murphy's Intermarket PerfChart. Murphy explains the Inverse and Positive relationships between the four majors, Stocks,Bonds,Commodities and Cash. This should help in determining an entry point to the MooseCall. Be Patient. Take some time to study the relationships amongst the 4.
Thanks for stopping by and as long as you're here, click around at the links to the left sidebar for more free info on the markets!
Just incase you have some time for extra study this week. Read this STORY to catch some insight to what the "f" is going on here in the good ol' USA.
Labels: commodities, decisionmoose, technical analysis, weekly update
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