Sunday, August 17, 2008
RedDirt's Weekly Update

The Advance-Decline Line tells us we are still in a downtrend. The problem with this indicator is, in the past I have seen it trending lower has a small portion of the stocks in a total market will carry an Index higher. Sometimes much higher. This indicator is therefore somewhat deceiving. It could actually be trending lower and the overall market could be making higher highs. So, what to do? I would suggest not throwing this advance-decline line out. What I feel is important is to watch it along with the $vix and growth vs. value to try and determine where the action is. Just look at what Apple, Google and a few other stocks where able to do by themselves as far as moving an Index. It's the new leaders that emerge when other's begin to fail that support the whole system. Sorry, but that's just the way things are.
The latest MOOSECALL from William Dirlam is once again to stay $CASH$. Who could blame him for being conservative. It's your money he's trading not his. I would be willing to bet he is buying some positions with his own money @ these ridiculously low prices. XRX trading at 10 times earnings. GE trading at 13 times earnings. Come on, get real. Do you really think multi-nationals with products and services in BIG demand in a growing world economic expansion will not thrive over the next decade? I believe things are much better than they appear to be. Sure, big banks could fail, hedge funds could collapse, families could be booted out of their homes. But, America WILL Survive.
Now on to what I'll be working on over the next few weeks. MORE FREE CHARTS to come. I'll be working on the replacement BRIC TRADE charts. Also, I'll be adding links to my GARP SCAN stocks. Charts for every stock that shows up on the scan. You can click HERE to see all the stocks that made the most recent GARPSCAN.
Tonight I toured the area that will be affected by T. Boone Pickens Plan . The land affected is mostly wheat fields. The 35000 volt high lines will cut the town of PIEDMONT basically in half. When I drive into my little bed and breakfast community, the sign coming into town reads,"Winds of Progress". So, as I see it, if we are willing to divide this community in half to escape our dependency on foreign oil, it's worth it! Boone's plan is already in affect. There will be more GAS RIGS drilling in Oklahoma next year than any time in history! This state truly is recession proof. T.Boone supported Bush during his race to be President. Boones' support for him was based on building an Energy plan to ween us off foreign oil. Bush spent 6 years in office with a Republican Congress and NEVER made any progress. T. Boone got so "pissed off" that he said," the hell with Bush and the Saudi Bastard's, I'll do what needs to be done all by myself." He is proving, one man can make a difference. There will soon be a new ETF trading on the AMEX. The proposed symbol will be "OOK". Yes, Oklahoma is OK. The ETF will feature Oklahoma based companies, either headquartered here or having a major presence in this state. OOK has outperformed the S&P500 by over 20% each year since 2000. Of course the Index was heavily energy weighted. Things could quickly swing to technology. Wind, Switch Grass, Solar etc... I'm pretty sure the ETF will fall once it begins trading, But at some point in time it will be a great buy!
I'll soon be back to posting my normal weekly update. We'll look at one chart, study the indicator's attached to that chart, and talk about the support and resistance levels corresponding to the chart at hand.
Thanks for stopping by and Good Luck with all your trades!
Labels: decisionmoose, garp stocks, green trade, growth stocks, sp500, stock scans, technical analysis, weekly update
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