Saturday, January 30, 2010
What can Equal Weighted do for you?

The chart to the left shows the ratio and performance of the RSP:SPY. From the March 9th lows to the recent January highs the RSP was up nearly 100% compared to a gain of about 72% for the SPY. I'll add a PerfChart of these two ETF's on the sidebar. Be sure to click on the orange link above to learn more!
Friday, January 29, 2010

The 3 day EMA for the $CPCE is once again approaching the 15% line. Over the past several months this has presented a good buy opportunity. This LINK will take you to a chart that you can expand out up to 3 years and adjust the moving average. Take a look at the other indicator charts while your there. It's FREE!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
New Chart Added to BricTrade

Friday, January 22, 2010
3 Days make a BIG Difference

For the Dead Beat Chart to go from 100% long to 100% short in only 3 trading days doesn't occur often. Last time this happened was back in July which turned out to be a quick shake out. This time may be different.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Keeping it Simple
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Getting Close

Sunday, January 10, 2010
As you can see by some of the charts I've posted lately that something must be up. I've been busy setting up my new account with Thinkorswim. I've been wanting to find someplace where I can trade futures and forex along with stocks and etf's, all on the same trading platform. That's what thinkorswim provides. After downloading their desktop software and familiarizing myself with it the next step was to build some chart layouts along with my watchlist. I've been trading on the paperMoney account to prepare for the real thing as soon as I fund the account. I'll continue to practice trade until I feel very comfortable using the new platform. I really like what I see thus far. One feature you can set up is a Pattern Finder. It will scan for chart patterns and link the tickers for those it finds in a list. It also scans for Candle patterns which is really nice!
The Moose went private this week! I scrambled for my login and password so I could get signed in and read the latest take from Bill Dirlam. Well worth the price of admission. If you've got an extra 26 bucks I'd strongly recommend using it to join the Moose Club.
I'll try to get back to posting something useful soon, but lately I've been busy reading and getting things in order at my trading desk. Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your trades!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Moose on Roids Update

This is what I mean by the Moose on Roids! Since the day after my December 27 Post we've seen a nearly 12% gain vs. 4% gain.
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Chart List

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